Jardiance (empagliflozin) is an SGLT-2 inhibitor used in the treatment of type-2 diabetes as well as in some cases of heart failure. This medication is very expensive and can cost an average of $1700 USD for a three-month supply, assuming you are taking one tablet a day.
Is it cheaper to buy the lower dose Jardiance?
You should note that the price above did not indicate a strength, this is because Jardiance 10mg and Jardiance 25mg are the same price per tablet. That’s right, you read that correctly. A three-month supply of either strength of Jardiance will cost the same amount of money.
Can you split Jardiance 25mg to save money?
The manufacturer of Jardiance states in the Canadian product monograph that the tablets should be taken whole and should not be cut or divided. However, the Jardiance product information in the USA, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom does not state this same information – they don’t mention anything about splitting the tablets and do not state that the empagliflozin should not be split.
Jardiance tablets are film-coated and splitting them will destroy the coating. Split tablets have also not been studied for safety and efficacy.
It can be dangerous to split or cut a medication that is sustained release or modified release. Jardiance is film coated and not modified release. Film coatings are generally used to prevent the patient from tasting the medication and allow the medication to be swallowed easier due to the smoothness of film coating. The downside to splitting a Jardiance tablet seem easy to swallow compared to the price savings that can be achieved. This is certainly something practitioners and patients should discuss and consider in order to cut costs on your medications.
What dose of Jardiance should I take?
Dosing for Jardiance is a discussion you will need to have with your physician. Only you and your physician will be able to make this decision.
The New England Journal of Medicine published a clinical trial called “Empagliflozin, Cardiovascular Outcomes, and Mortality in Type 2 diabetes.” This study reported that the two dose groups [10mg and 25mg] had similar cardiovascular outcomes. Based on the information currently available, it appears there is not a significant clinical difference between the 10mg and 25mg doses.
Can Jardiance 25mg Be Split in Half to Provide a 12.5mg Dose?
Splitting Jardiance tablet has not been studied. The manufacturer states in the Canadian monograph that splitting should not be done while the medication information in the United States, UK, and New Zealand is does not state the same information.
If you do split your tablets, do not split them in advance as some medications may crumble or deteriorate when cut. Also, medicine may not be distributed evenly throughout each tablet so it’s important to take one half tablet for one dose and the other half for the next dose. This will ensure correct dosing is more consistent.
Based on the information provided, splitting these tablets could be possible, but it is important to discuss this plan with your healthcare provider before making any final decisions.
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